Unitor Oxygen Scavenger Plus 25 Ltr
Oxygen Scavenger Plus also provides the required conditions for the establishment of a passivating layer of magnetite on all metal surfaces. Oxygen Scavenger Plus is a low toxicity product, suitable for high, medium and low pressure boiler systems.
- Fast acting, volatile, liquid oxygen scavenger
- Neutralises acids occurring in condensate system
- Safe and easy to use, low toxicity
- Organic product, no dissolved solids added
- Simple test to determine treatment level
- Economical in use
- Reduces corrosion of iron and copper, increasing system life and reliability
- Protects system metals throughout the boiler system
Directions for use
NALFLEET™ Oxygen Scavenger Plus can be used in any boiler system, and in conjunction with mechanical deaeration systems. Removal of dissolved oxygen is vital for prevention of corrosion and especially pitting corrosion in boilers. When dosed into a boiler system, Oxygen Scavenger Plus will react with dissolved oxygen and form non corrosive compounds. The product is volatile and will evaporate and assist protection of the steam and condensate system. No solid materials are produced when using Oxygen Scavenger Plus.
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